
Romeo & Juliet - Act I pg. 555

1. I thought that the love at first sight was a little silly yet cute in some ways. I thought it was cute yet weird of how they talked at first; him a pilgrim and her a saint. It was clever, almost as if a pick-up conversation instead of a pick-up line that we would use today. However, it was more religion based and when reading almost humorous. From a distance when Romeo sees Juliet he describes her beauty and talking about touching her would make blessed of his rude hand. If something such as that were to be done in modern days it would be very strange, but given the time period it is kind of cute.

2. Juliet might be changed by meeting Romeo because when Lady Capulet tells her of Paris's proposal she admits that she had no been thinking about marriage but she would at least look upon him. However once she meets Romeo, and they lead each other into a two kisses, she says to the nurse, talking about Romeo, "Go ask his name.--If he be married, My grave is like to be my wedding bed". This sudgests that if he is married that she matter as well die, for her feelings so strong. Once she is told he is a Montague, she responds by saying "My only love,spring from my only hate!" means that she knows that they are family rivals however she addresses him still as her only love.

3. I think that there is some difference between Romeo's old feelings for Rosaline and his new love for Juliet. He constantly talks about his love sickness for Rosaline because she is so beautiful yet says she is going to stay chaste. However when he firsts sees Juliet he is attracted to her, and she returns the affection. Rosaline doesn't seem as interested as Juliet. He falls in love with them mostly for their beauty, but Juliet also seems to be more of a flirt than Rosaline which makes Juliet more appealing.

4. In order for Romeo and Juliet to see each other, now that they have fallen in love, they must do most of it in private; and not allow each others family to know about any of it. Or, they could just try to forget about the love they share because of the fact that their family be rivals. Another way about it would be to try to settle their family dispute but that would be harder than it may seem.

5.Tybalt is more motivated by hate, while Romeo is more motivated my love. As soon as Tybalt notices Romeo's voice he quickly tries to inform someone so he can be kicked out, and Romeo goes to the party in Benvolio's hope that he will find love even though the party is being held by their family's enemy.

6. If Romeo and Juliet had been aware of each other's identity before speaking they might not have been as friendly. In fact, they may have no approached each other at all. It would only make sense to not want to involve yourself with something you already cant have; why tempt yourself? If they did meet however, it would have been less affectionate and more so as if they were only brief, unimportant acquaintances.

7. The paradoxes uttered by Romeo and by Juliet reflect the dilemmas that those characters are caught in because they both say things that contradict their previous statement; which is what their dilemmas are. Romeo first talks about love as wonderful as it is how terrible at the same time because he can not be with Rosaline. When Juliet finds out Romeo's identity she says "Prodigious birth of love it is to me" and love is usually a lucky thing, however in this situation of Romeo being a Montague it is unlucky.

8. The effect that I get while Shakespeare reveals the ending of the play in the prologue makes me curious to how it gets that way. Of course after act 1 I realize that there will be trouble with their love but such deep trouble that brings death is something that makes me question how it will happen.

9. Some conflicts in contemporary American society are such as love with great age difference and love between different ethnic groups with disapproving parents. Another would be level in society. Some families do not get along with certain ethnic groups do to racial insecurities, some do not socialize with others unless they are in the same financial class, and if the parents do not agree with the age difference between two loves than that would also create a problem. The Capulet's and Montague's families do not like each other but for a reason unknown; such as today with racial differences. It was mostly our ancestors that decided that one race is better than another and today we only use their reasons as an excuse although really everyone is equal.