
Chapter 3

Chapter 3 brings us back to Taylor, and the indian baby she was stuck with, who now is named Turtle. It is a good name for the baby because she is always grabbing on to things. Taylor stays at a hotel, helping the owner Mrs.Hoge. Mrs.Hoge admires Turtle, and wishes to be a grandchild. She wants her own daughter-in-law to have a baby, and she is pretty blunt about her desires.
Eventually, by New Years, Taylor and Turtle head to Arizona. Taylor describes Arizona has nothing she has never seen before. With pink hippo ballarina clouds, the sky is so silly looking yet interstesting that she decides to stay. All of a sudden its begins to hail, so Taylor parks at what looks like an old abandoned gas station so she can protect herself and turtle. A rather strange and not too bright man is there, who Taylor finds rather annoying. Taylor is reminded of Kentucky by his ciggarette, because the ants come out of the ground after the weather and begin sworming around the tobacco. She is reminded how Kentucky produces tobacco. The man points out to her that she has two flat tires.
Taylor finds Jesus is Lord Used Tires. A very kind woman named Mattie runs the place, and she seems to be very good with Turtle. Despite her hospitality, Taylor notices that she is drinking from a coffee cup that has a picture of two rabbit having sex. This confused Taylor, because someone so nice and friendly, working at what seems to be a religious used tire shop, is drinking out of such a coffee cup.
However, Taylor still thinks highly of Mattie because she has her own business and seems to know an awful lot; nothing like anyone back in Kentucky.
When Taylor sees Matties garden she is surprised by how wonderufl it is. There are plants growing through car parts, even in the middle of January. There are purple beans, that Mattie says is from her neighbor, who claims they came all the way from China.

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