
Miralces at Dog Doo Park

Taylors Mom is getting married, to Harland Ellestion- he works at a paint shop. Taylor doesnt really like the fact that her Mom is getting married, her mom even says that is happening a little fast. Turtle is talking a lot now, "Cabbage, cabbage, cabbage."(149) Taylor addmits to liking Estevan, and also mentions how limitted her choices were in pittman. Lou Ann discusses Angel, and how it was when the first met. How she thought she could get him to pay attention to her. Taylor admired the wisteria vines in the park that once seemed dead now bloom a beautiful purple, They remind her of a Bible story " where somebody or other struck a rosk and the water pourd out. Only thi was better, flowers out of bare dirt." (152) Hence the reason, the chapter is called Miralce of Dog Doo Park.
Taylor decides to tell Estevan shes sorry for the things Mrs.Parsons said, mentioning how she has a mean streak in her. Taylor even gets enough confidence to tell Estevan that she likes the way she talks; she thinks its beautiful. He tells her that the things she says are poetic; she doesnt understand. He says "Washing Hogs is poetic," (158).
Taylor finally takes Turtle to the hopsital, for all the abuse she suffered when she was little. Turtle seems to be interested in vegatables.Nothing seems to be wrong at first, but then Turtle gets X-Rays.Turns out, Turtle suffers from "Failure to Thrive". The doctor tells Taylor that it is somethign that can be reversed.As he was explaining all these important things that Taylor should be listening to, she was too busy looking out the window at a bird that built a home in a catus.
Angel tells Lou Ann that he is going back to the Rodeo. Taylor and Lou Ann realize Turtle's real name is April. It was rather exciting.

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