
October 6 vocab due

Word: proffer
Guess: proper
Definition:to put before a person for acceptance; offer
Context:"The fat boy waited to be asked his name but this proffer of acuqantance was not made" (chpt 1 Golding)

Word: efflorescence
Guess: colorful
Definition: the state or a period of flowering
Context: "...bright wit the efflorescence of tropical weed and coral" (chpt1 Golding)

Word: fulcrum
Guess: lever
Definition: any prop or support
Context: "Ralp used one hand as a fulcrum and pressed down with the other..." (chpt1 Golding)

Word: embossed
Guess: engraved
Definition: To mold or carve in relief
Context: "...and covered with a delicate, embossed pattern." ( chpt1 Golding)

Word: intricacies
Guess: maze
Definition: perplexing
Context: "spread through the intricacies of the forest and echoed back..." (chpt1 Golding)

Word: strident
Guess: loud, strong
Definition: making or having a harsh sound
Context: "... became a strident blare more penetrating than before."(chpt1 Golding)

Word: obscurely
Guess: different or unknown
Definition: not clear to the understanding;
Context: "...and most obscurely, yet most powerfully, there was the conch." (chpt1 Golding)

Word: suffusion
Guess: color
Definition: to overspread with color
Context: "The suffusion drained away from Jack's face." (chpt1 Golding)

Word: hiatus
Guess: a stop
Definition: a break in time
Context: "There came a pause, a hiatus, the pig continued to scream..." (chpt1 Golding)

Word: swathes
Guess: area or section
Definition: a strip
Context: "Ralph was already clambering over the first smashed swathes of the scar." Chapt2)

Word: errant
Guess: unorderly
Definition: straying from proper course
Context: "The noise of the errant assembly faded up the mountain." (chpt2 Golding)

Word: grotesque
Guess: gross
Definition:odd or unnatural in shape, appearance, or character; fantastically ugly or absurd; bizarre
Context: "Then they inched the grotesque dead thing up the rock and toppled it over on top." (chpt2 Golding)

Word: indignantly
Guess: upset and wanting authority
Definition: expressing strong displeasure at something considered unjust
Context:"I got the conch," said Piggy indignantly. "You let me speak!" (chpt2 Golding)

Word: hayrick
Guess: someone who is lazy
Definition: a haystack
Context: "You said you wanted a small fire and you been and built a pile like a hayrick." (chpt 2)

Word: avidly
Guess: in a hurry
Definition: eagerly
Context: "Then the trail, the frustration, claimed him again and he searched the ground avidly." (chpt 3 Golding)

Word: vicissitudes
Guess: struggles
Definition: sudden or unexpected changes
Context: "Jack stood there, streaming with sweat, streaked with brown earth, stained by all the vicissitudes of a day's hunting. " (chpt 3 Golding)

Word: susurration
Guess: pulsing
Definition: whipser or soft noise
Context: "The deep sea breaking miles away on the reef made an undertone less perceptible than the susurration of the blood." (chpt 3 Golding)

Word: blatant
Guess: surprising
Definition: rather noisy or loud
Context: "The glittering sea rose up, moved apart in planes of blatant impossibility..." (chpt 4 Golding)

Word: belligerence
Guess: hard-working attitude
Definition: a warlike or aggressively hostile nature, condition, or attitude.
Context: "...Johnny was well built, with fair hair and a natural belligerence." (chpt 4 Golding)

Word: incursion
Guess: episode or situation
Definition: An aggressive entrance into foreign territory
Context: "Perhaps food had appeared where at the last incursion there had been none..." (chpt4 Golding)

Word: gyration
Guess: train of thought
Definition: circular or spiral motion
Context: "Jack broke out of his gyration and stood facing Ralph." (chpt 4 Golding)

Word: effigy
Guess: example
Definition: a representation or image
Context: "At first he was a silent effigy of sorrow; but then the lamentation rose out of him." (chpt 5 Golding)

Word: tempestuously
Guess: suddenly
Definition: A violent windstorm
Context: "A shadow fronted him tempestuously." (chpt 5 Golding

Word: waxy
Guess: harsh
Definition: with anger
Context:"Wasn't he waxy?" (chpt 6 Golding)

Word: chasms
Guess: cut-offs
Definition: A deep, steep-sided opening in the earth's surface; an abyss or gorge.
Context: "He was surrounded on all sides by chasms of empty air." (chpt 6 Golding)

Word: polyp
Guess: fish
Definition: a sedentary type of animal form characterized by a more or less fixed base
Context:"...revealing pink tables of granite, strange growths of coral, polyp, and weed." (chpt 6 Golding)

Word: leviathan
Guess: a big rock
Definition: a sea monster or huge marine animal
Context: "Then the sleeping leviathan breathed out, the waters rose,..." (chpt 6 Golding)

Word: filmy
Guess: thin or clear
Definition: hazy or misty; glazed
Context: "The filmy enchantments of mirage could not endure the cold ocean..." (chpt 7 Goldnig)

Word: sagely
Guess: knowing
Definition: wise, judicious, or prudent
Context: "Everybody agreed sagely." (chpt 7 Golding)

Word: snivels
Guess: heaving breathing while upset
Definition: to weep or cry with sniffling
Context: "...listening to Roberts frightened snivels." (chpt 7 Golding)

Word: luxuriance
Guess: a lot of one trait
Definition: rich abundance; lushness
Context: "...along that and the dark luxuriance of the forst."( chpt 7 Golding)

Word: taboo
Guess: a certain system
Definition: exclusion from use or practice.
Context: "A taboo was evolving round that word too." (chpt 8 Golding)

Word: corpulent
Guess: motionless
Definition: large or bulky
Context: "Then as the blue material of the parachute collapsed the corpulent figure..." (chpt 9 Golding)

Word: sauntered
Guess: to walk with authority
Definition: to walk with a leisurely gait; stroll
Context: "Jack rose from the log that was his throne and sauntered to the edge of the grass." (chpt 9 Golding)

Word: phosphorescence
Guess: something shiny
Definition: the property of being luminous
Context: "The edge of the lagoon became a streak of phosphorescence which advance minutely..."(chpt 9 Golding)

Word: assimilating
Guess: to consider
Definition: To incorporate and absorb into the mind
Context: "...assimilating the possibilities of irresponsible authority." (chpt 10 Golding)

Word: barmy
Guess: insane or uncivilized
Definition: crazy
Context: "If we don't get home soon we'll be barmy." (chpt 10 Golding)

Word: myopia
Guess: shock
Definition: lack of foresight or discernment
Context: "The twins watched anxiously and Piggy sat expressionless behind the luminous wall of his myopia." (Chpt 11 Golding)

Word: pinnacles
Guess: something harmful
Definition: A tall pointed formation, such as a mountain peak
Context: "...the ledge skirting the rock, up the were the red pinnacles." (chpt 11 Golding)

Word: parried
Guess: hardly handled
Definition: evade or dodge
Context: "He struck in a humming circle behind him and Ralph only just parried the blow." (chpt 11 Golding)

Word: delirious
Guess: unsure
Definition: thrilled, excited, ecstatic
Context: "High overhead, Roger, with a sense of delirious abandonment..." (chpt 11 Golding)

Word: prevaricate
Guess: false
Definition: to speak falsely or misleadingly
Context: [said while learning prefixxes]

Word: contentment
Guess: comfortable
Definition: satisfaction; ease of mind.
Context: [suffix we learned in class]

Word: voluptuous
Guess: to have volume
Definition: full of, characterized by, or ministering to indulgence in luxury, pleasure, and sensuous enjoyment
Context: [ talked about in class]

Word: allusions
Guess: a mind tease
Definition: An instance of indirect reference
Context:[talked about in class]

Word: enamoured
Guess: embraced
Definition:in love
Context: But I wish only to be enamoured by your victory

Word: philanthropy
Guess: helpful
Definition: Love of humankind in general
Context:Philanthropy is who we are.

Word: cajole
Guess: convince
Definition:to persuade by flattery or promises
Context: They had to cagole him into going

Word: soporific
Guess: a certain drug
Definition: a drug that causes sleepiness
Context: A sporific agent was found among his belonings.

Word: foible
Guess: annoying traits
Definition: a small flaw
Context: They admired their teacher despite his foibles.

Word: spurious
Guess: suspicious
Definition: not genuine
Context: She left the meeting with a spurious excuse.

Word: empirical
Guess: common sense
Definition: relying on experience or observation
Context: Our science teacher said she had an empirical basis for the theory.

Word: transient
Guess: quick
Definition: passing through or by a place with only a brief stay
Context: The tourists were so transient, we only saw them once and then they were gone.

Word: penurious
Guess: selfish
Definition: given to or marked by extreme stinting frugality
Context: He didnt even give the polite waitress a tip, we could tell he was penurious.

Word: callow
Guess: uninformed
Definition:lacking experience of life
Context: "You guys know nothing, your young age, you're so callow.

Word: chagrin
Guess: extreme anger
Definition: humiliation or embarassment
Context: The laughs were directed at Timmy, and you could see rage of chagrin.

Word: rigorous
Guess: intense
Definition:demanding strict attention to rules and procedures
Context: The Professor exercised rigorous discipline, the whole class was always kept in order.

Word: imperturbable
Guess: to stay calm
Definition: not easily perturbed or excited or upset
Context: John was so imperturbable, he showed no signs of alarm during the crisis.

Word: fortitude
Guess: to be strong
Definition: to endure adversity with courage
Context: Fortitude binds the will firmly to the good of reason in the face of the greatest evils, and the most fearful of all bodily evils is death.

Word: Dacelogue
Guess:ten logs
Definition: a set of rules
Context: He must have been formulating a new commandment in his personal dacelogue.

Word: clamorous
Guess: big or loud
Definition:conspicuously and offensively loud
Context: The riot pulsed with a clamorous uproar.

Word: brae
Guess: path
Definition: a slope or hillside
Context: Sarah quickly made her way down the brae.

Word: delineate
Guess: detailed
Definition: describe in vivid detail
Context: Her paintings were so accurate, so dilneate, everyone was taken back by them.

Word: imprudent
Guess: rude
Definition: lacking wise self-restraint
Context: The student didn't realize what authority she was talking to, and kept making imprudent remarks that would soon ger her in trouble.