1. Word: Endorses
Guess: to prove
Definition: to give public support to somebody or something, especially during an election
Context: writing rules
2. Word: Contends
Guess: shows
Definition: to argue or claim that something is true
Context: writing rules
3. Word: refutes
Guess: proves
Definition: to prove something to be false or somebody to be in error
Context: writing rules
4. Word: disputes
Guess: arguements
Definition: to question or doubt the truth or validity of something
Context: writing rules
5. Word: emphasizes
Guess: to make clear
Definition: to stress or give importance to something
Context: writing rules
6. Word: Metonymy
Guess: study of people
Definition: a change of name
Context: Pure novel
7. Word: Larcenous
Guess: mischievous
Definition: having a disposition to steal
Context: "the larcenous world"- Sydney Smith
8. Word: Unpropitious
Guess: unfavorable
Definition: inauspicious
Context: "arrived at an unpropitious moment"
9. Word: Apparatchiks
Guess: karate
Definition: loyal subordinate
Context: Pure novel
10. Word: Indefatigable
Guess: undeniable
Definition: incapable of being tired
Context: "an indefatigable advocate of equal rights."
11. Word: Emblematic
Guess: symbolic
Definition: serving as an emblem
Context: "a crown is emblematic of royalty."
12. Word: austerity
Guess: stern
Definition: severity of discipline, regime, expression, or design
Context: class
13. Word: Swathes
Guess: a bandage
Definition: to enfold or constrict
14. Word: Indispensable
Guess: can’t be removed
Definition: extremely desirable or useful, or not to be done without
Context: class notes
15. Word: Leeward
Guess: free
Definition: the point toward which the wind blows
Context: "they were sailing leeward"
16. Word: Scepter
Guess: hesitant
Definition: a ceremonial staff, rod, or wand used as an emblem of a monarch's authority.
Context: class talk
17. Word: Mesh
Guess: to blend together
Definition: couldn't find anything
Context: "it was a mesh screen"
18. Word: Emphatic
Guess: overly happy
Definition: impressive; significant
Context: history notes
19. Word: ostentatious
Guess: high importance
Definition: marked by a vulgar display of wealth and success designed to impress people
Context: on the board
20. Word: unadorned
Guess: plain
Definition: bare
Context: class
21. Word: Deception
Guess: disbelief
Definition: the state of being deceived
Context: "...the root to all of Trixie's deceptions"
22. Word: Seminal
Guess: something with ideas
Definition: highly original and influential
Context: class
23. Word: Advocate
Guess: a representative
Definition: a person who pleads the cause of another
Context: "...it was he who had advocated in the beginning."
24. Word: Eloquence
Guess: fancy
Definition: the practice of art of using language frequently
Context: "Snowballs eloquence had carried them away."
25. Word: Blithely
Guess: merry
Definition: glad or cheerful
Context: "one day as Mollie strolled blithely"
26. Word: Cunning
Guess: sneaky
Definition: deceiving
Context: "comrade Napoleon's cunning."
27. Word: Carbuncles
Guess: bacteria
Definition: a red precious stone
Context: "small glowing ember carbuncle."
28. Word: Pathetic Fallacy
Guess: the measure matches the feeling
Definition: the treatment of inanimate objects as if they had feeling
Context: class notes
29. Word: Ebullience
Guess: light
Definition: high spirits; exhilaration
30. Word: precedent
Guess: to come before
Definition: an action or decision that can be used subsequently as an example for a similar decision or to justify a similar action
Context: class notes
31. Word: retrospect
Guess: all around perspective
Definition: the remembering of past events
Context: class
32. Word: Abolished
Guess: ruined
Definition:to do away with
Context: "voted to abolish the tax."
33. Word: Indentured
Guess: permanently
Definition: a deed of agreement
34. Word: Methodically
Guess: consistently
Definition: acting in a systematic way
Context: "a methodical person"
35. Word: Vivacious
Guess: bright
Definition: lively or animated
Context: "a vivacious folk dance"
36. Word: Quell
Guess: upset
Definition: to vanquish or subdue
Context: "the troops quelled the rebellion quickly"
37. Word: Innocuous
Guess: harmless
Definition: unlikely to arouse strong feeling
38. Word: Canonical
Guess: pertaining to a cannon
Definition: authorized; recognized; accepted
39. Word: Berate
Guess: make angry
Definition: to scold
Context: "he berated them in public"
40. Word: leveled
Guess: to raise
Definition: have a flat or even surface
41. Word: Atavistic
Guess: afraid of genes
Definition: related to an inherited trait
42. Word: Debouch
Guess: to release yourself
Definition: to emerge
Context: history class
43. Word: allotment
Guess: attachment
Definition: a share granted
Context: "he said he used up all his allotment as a kid."
44. Word: Moravian
Guess: lesson taught through life
Definition: a religious belief; Christian denomination
45. Word: Blatant
Guess: done on purpose
Definition: offensively; noisy or loud
Context: "what the reverend said was a blatant lie"
46. Word: Yammering
Guess: continuing on endlessly
Definition: to whine
47. Word: catatonic
Guess: crazy fun
Definition: a syndrome in schizophrenia
Context: "he's in a catatonic state"
48. Word: Allusion
Guess: parable
Definition: a passing or casual reference
Context: "an allusion to Shakespeare"
49. Word: Savagery
Guess: acting like animals
Definition: an act of violent cruelty
50. Word: Abyss
Guess: black nothingness
Definition: the internal regions
Context: "lost in a state of abyss."
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