
schooooool mission

FCA’s Morgan Hunt
1) Hook/Thesis January 22, 2009
2) Parallel Structure English 10
3) , . ; :-

If it were up to me to change the educational mission of the school, I would change the mission to focus on bringing out the students highest potential, balancing freedom, and giving each student an equal opportunity for success. I believe that these three issues are essential for motivation, respect, and a feeling of equality and self-worth. If students cannot reach their potential, if they feel restricted, or if they do not feel they have an equal opportunity they will not feel positive about the work they do. That slight amount of self-doubt in their own capabilities can often lead to bigger problems. It would be best if we could prevent the bigger problems at the source because once a student leaves the road for success it quickly becomes more difficult to help them.
If the assignments you were given were not assigned in a way that you could produce your best work, if they were assigned in a way that confused you, wouldn’t that put a damper on your chances for success? For example, if you were learning a language, and you learned best from listening and speaking, yet all the teacher did was hand out work sheets, don’t you think that it would be rather frustrating to sit there every day, trying to focus on something that just didn’t click? I think that each student should be able to work using a method that is best from them; as long as they’re learning, it shouldn’t matter how they go about it. This would allow students to learn more sufficiently and have a clearer understanding of the subject that they are learning. However, if students are given the opportunity to do this, they need to actually try and not just blow off the work.
The next important issue that follows student motivation in their school is freedom. Simple freedoms would make students feel like they are important and respected in the school community. Our seniors at DY are given the freedom to go out to lunch; however, 93% of the seniors must show up on the previous day. True, it is good to make them work for their freedom, but considering that their class is so small it is very hard to acquire a 93% attendance participation. If the percentage was lowered to a reasonable number, I think it would be more practical and perhaps the attendance record would increase because seniors would know that they could come to school and be able to go out to lunch instead of staying in the cafeteria. If the school takes away simple freedoms like that, the students will not feel as if there is mutual respect.
Another way that a student’s education is affected is whether or not they feel they have an equal opportunity for success. If a student doesn’t feel like they will succeed, often they give up on the spot or half-way through trying. Students shouldn’t feel nervous or hesitant to ask for help, although sometimes they do. Teachers, time and again, hurry through things without explaining everything clearly and thoroughly. Another issue is when teachers favor some students over others; usually students who are doing really well. This makes it so the students that need help or that are having troubles with the work, aren’t getting the attention they need. It is a human reaction to feel resentment towards someone who doesn’t treat you as an equal; it destroys the students’ incentive to work. Student praise is also an important issue- not just for those who do their work all the time, but for the students that sometimes do the work and sometimes don’t. If you praise them when they do their work it will make them feel like they’re doing something right.
In conclusion, bringing out the students highest potential, balancing freedom, and giving each student an equal opportunity for success are really understandable goals that we should set. It is not a matter of just saying we’ll do it. It’s a matter of putting it into action. Their future is your future. If these students do not get a good education, imagine how life will be in the long run for all of us. Students need to feel important and need to be motivated. As a community, it is our job to help them achieve success in school so they can achieve success in life. If they miss out, it could be costly to everyone. If you notice someone is having difficulties wouldn’t you try to help them the best way you can? There is no reason why their education should be treated any differently.